To seek an admission in a particular class, application process is carried out.
- Parents submit the completed application form to the Administrative Office along with the following:
- Birth certificate (photocopy)
- School leaving certificate (compulsory from class 2 onwards)
- 03 passport size photographs
- Registration fee
- The applicant is called for an entrance test at an appointed day/time
- If the applicant passes the entrance test, an interview of the applicant and parents is carried out by the Head/Director-in-charge or a person responsible for it. Parents are briefed about the following:
- School rules including uniform, attendance, punctuality, discipline, fee payment etc.
- School curriculum
- Student assessment procedure
- Parents pay the dues in the Accounts Office within three days, in order to confirm enrolment. If the enrolment is not confirmed by the parent within 3 days, by paying the dues, the place may be offered to another candidate.
Reception Class
Children are admitted to Reception class if they have passed their second birthday on 31st March of the year of admission. Children are expected to be toilet-trained, ready to spend time away from home, and to respond normally to stimuli.
Prep 1
Children must be above age 3 but under age 4 on 31st March of the year of admission. For admission to Prep 1, children are assessed for their independence and ability to respond intelligently and normally to stimuli.
Prep 2
Children must be above age 4 but under age 5 on 31st March of the year of admission. For admission to Prep 2, children are assessed for their understanding of English language, letters of alphabet (English), numbers, as well as independence and conduct.
Class 1 – 4
Children must be above age 5 but under age 6 on 31st March of the year of admission. For each successive class, a year should be added to the age. For admission, children take a written test in English and Mathematics. Children are also assessed for their English reading and spoken English.
Class 5 – 8
Children must be aged 9 – 10 on 31st March of the year in which they seek admission to Class 5. For each successive class, a year should be added. Applicants are required to sit a written entrance examination in English and Mathematics.
Class 9 – 10
Children entering Class 9 must have passed their 13th birthday by 31st March of the year of admission and must pass the entrance tests in English & Math’s, (and Science, if applicable).